Menopause Test Kit


SKU: MENAH3D678 Category:

Suitable for home use, the tester detects the levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (F.S.H.) in your urine. High levels of F.S.H. can indicate that your body is entering menopause.


Suitable for home use, the tester detects the levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (F.S.H.) in your urine. High levels of F.S.H. can indicate that your body is entering menopause.

Simple, easy and accurate – Results in 10 minutes. Please read all instructions carefully before performing the test. Your doctor can also perform a blood test to confirm the stage of your menopause. This will give you a numerical result. As always, if you have any doubt about the interpretation of your results, please consult your doctor.

Contains 2 Testers

Additional information

Weight 0.03 kg