Getting to know Yvette – NovaNutri
We thought our first post on our amazing new website should let you have some further background on us, so here goes!
After a career in commercial and military aerospace, I ended up reverting to my science roots when serious endometriosis resulted in a premature hysterectomy. HRT didn’t either suit or work, so I desperately needed to find something else!
As anyone who’s gone or going through the menopause will tell you, the main issues are hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia and mood fluctuations. You’re still the same person inside, but you don’t recognise yourself and neither do your friends and family.
You’re embarrassed because you think you smell (well who doesn’t when they sweat right?!), you’re tired because you not getting enough sleep and you’re crabby because you’re tired and there are all these biological things happening inside your body that you don’t understand.
If you’re at work, you feel under pressure to continue performing at the same level and no one likes you sitting near them because you’re constantly wanting the window open/fan on. Your social life can also take a knock if you’re snappy with friends and you may find yourself making up the most illogical reasons why you can’t go out…
For women going through the menopause naturally (neither surgically-induced nor drug-controlled process), symptoms can creep up on you so slowly that you can’t recognise the changes that have been taking place and miss the weird faces that your friends pull. All this can happen when your kids are still teenagers, so they are either keeping a distance or you’re putting the verbal battles down to their rollercoaster of hormones and not yours!
I did go on HRT for a couple of months, but it did nothing for any of my symptoms and I ended up putting on ¾ stone despite the fact that I was spending at least an hour in the gym three times a week while my daughter was having gymnastics coaching. In hindsight, coming off HRT was perhaps the best thing I did otherwise NHSteps Menopause would never have come about. I also found out later that once women come off HRT, most of the symptoms of the menopause will come back again as the drug leaves the body.
Before I found the solution, I had tried just about everything on the market, often taking a mixture of pills and potions – people must have heard me rattle before I even came around the corner. Most of them did nothing, some made me feel nauseous, something probably caused by my “kitchen sink” approach and not something I would recommend!
Fast forward over 16 years and NHSteps Menopause is working as well as it did in 2002 and for that I was always been grateful to the researchers as well as our own in-house team that completed the product and undertook all the stability trials.
NHSteps Menopause works well, with over the majority of women getting a quality of life back (on average over 85% based upon studies undertaken in the UK back in 2003. The best part is that you should be able to see little signs that it’s working within a couple of weeks; for me it was easy: when you are having hot flushes. More importantly, as a food, it’s something that can be used as a “rest of life” approach which is great news!
As time went on, I got approached by customers to ask if I had a natural solution for bladder weakness, not something I had suffered from, but it was obvious from talking to them, that this problem was not only embarrassing, but ended up with some women not daring to leave home in case they couldn’t find a toilet when needed. Quite by chance, we were introduced to a family business based in America that had a product “Pollen Aid” with over 40 clinical studies to show that it helped with both benign prostate enlargement as well as bladder muscles.
It was at this point that I started to learn and understand that there is a lot that we can do to keep our bodies healthy. This both helps minimise the amount of medical assistance we will need as we age as well as reduces the financial burden on both ourselves as well as our country’s healthcare budget. Death is an inevitable end point of our lives, but we can surely take more responsibility for what we eat and supplement with those vitamins, minerals and proven nutraceuticals to protect against one of the major causes of ageing which is inflammation.
Long bouts of inflammation are linked to oxidative stress and in Spring 2018 have been identified as also linked to depression by scientists at Cambridge University. Centenarians maintain a low number of inflammatory markers and oxidative stress and it is increasingly becoming apparent that this is a significant contribution to their above average lifespan. We are delighted to be working with the ORI’s Immun’Age, a fermented product produced from organic non-GMO papaya which is supported by over 50 clinical trials to show its benefits in the body. Not content with resting on their laurels, the company is now extending their initial study on Stress in the workplace to see how Immun’Age can help people with PTSD, including military veterans.
So, there we are: Novanutri, a company that focuses on healthy ageing based on what we have tried, tested and found to work well.